Beautiful and Functional Privacy Stained Glass Dallas

Beautiful and Functional Privacy Stained Glass Dallas

Stained glass is often thought of as simply decorative, and many people actually tend to relate it directly to just churches. However, our leaded designs are becoming extremely popular for Dallas homeowners looking to add both beauty and functionality to a window in their living space. Our experts can help you find the perfect balance between privacy and choosing the design you truly want for your home.

Dallas Stained Glass Bathroom Privacy Glass

Dallas Privacy Stained Glass Applications

While windows are great for utilizing natural light, many homeowners end up covering windows and eliminating this use in lieu of privacy.  Consider bathroom windows, where privacy is a top priority, or sidelights in an entryway, where visitors can peek right through into your home.  If your home sits near a neighbor’s house, any window could create a privacy problem, whether it sits in a stairwell, dining room, bedroom, or kitchen.

Adding a piece of leaded glass to any location in your Dallas home can limit visibility, not natural light, and looks beautiful.  Every piece that we create is custom, which means you’ll be able to work directly with an experienced designer to find a look that fits your unique style, modern or traditional.

To create privacy, we offer many different glass styles that are difficult to see through.  We offer textured pieces that range in visibility to give you the right level of privacy in addition to the leaded design that you choose.  With a combination of textured glass and bevels, you’ll be able to block vision through your windows no matter where you need it in your home.

Take down your blinds and curtains to let beautiful and useful natural light into your home without worrying about peeking eyes.  You’ll be able to feel comfortable in your bathrooms, and you won’t have to worry about visitors looking into your home through sidelights or front door windows.  At the same time, you’ll be adding a work of art that you’ll love for years to come.

Scottish Stained Glass Dallas

To learn more about our stained glass options, and how to add beautiful privacy to your Dallas home, give us a call or send an email.  We get you started with a free consultation with one of our expert designers, and begin working on your project to limit visibility through your windows today!

Martin Faith

Martin Faith is a master craftsman, builder, and designer of stained glass windows. Martin learned the art of glassmaking while living in Scotland, where he was born and raised. He has been studying stained glass as an art form for over 30 years. When he moved to the U.S., Martin opened his own shop and started selling antique and custom stained glass windows. Martin's areas of expertise range from historic and religious stained glass to popular styles such as art nouveau, Mackintosh, floral, beveled, Greene & Green, and prairie. Over the years, his company has produced and sold over 50,000 stained glass windows to customers located in Dallas and throughout the country.

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