Sell Your Dallas Home For A Lot More Money By Adding Stained Glass
Stained & Leaded Glass: The Perfect Investment For Your Dallas Home
For a home improvement chalked full of elegance and style–there is no match for stained and/or leaded glass. This is because the beauty of these works of art is undeniable. It is easy to see the beautiful lines and pretty patterns that these craft pieces are a welcome and lovely addition to any home. Likewise, their function is immediately apparent– adding privacy and a definitive touch of class to any part of your Dallas home. While both the beauty and practicality of stained and leaded glass windows are two things our future clients come to us understanding, one thing they sometimes don’t realize is–the dramatic impact on home resale values–real and perceived. That’s right– should you ever decide to put stained or leaded glass in your Dallas home the boost you get from your custom stained glass window(s) will pay off–in big ways.
How Does Stained Glass Affect The Value Of My Dallas Home?
The way stained glass affects the value of your Dallas home is two-part.
Real Value: It is relatively easy to understand how stained glass directly affects your home’s resale value. Essentially, a stained glass window appraises for much more per square foot than what you paid per square foot. The multiplier is actually bigger than you might expect–sometimes as high as 10X what you originally paid. So, for instance, if you paid $600 for a stained glass window, it could appraise for as much as $6000 when you go to sell–that is an amazing ROI!
Perceived Value: Stained and leaded glass affects the perceived value of your Dallas home by making your home appear more attractive and thereby more valuable to potential buyers.
Stained glass will:
-Draw attention to glass and away from other imperfections in your home
-Make your home appear vintage and classy
-Make a great first impression on potential buyers
-Make your home stand out from other houses at similar price points
For these reasons stained glass makes for a significant increase in perceived value of your home which definitely ends up in a speedy sale, at the price point you are looking for–not bad for a relatively small investment to begin with!
If you are interested in exploring the endless beautiful options of stained glass for your Dallas home or are interested in finding out more about how stained and leaded glass affects resale value, contact Dallas Stained Glass today!