Art Nouveau Stained Glass

Art Nouveau Stained Glass

By Patricia Stroud, Scottish Stained Glass Designer
As a Scottish Stained Glass Designer, I have the opportunity to work with clients who prefer all types of styles, modern or traditional. One of the most beautiful expressions of stained glass involves the traditional Art Nouveau style, which incorporates curved, intricate designs.  Recently, I worked with a client to create an Art Nouveau inspired entryway that reflects this style in a unique way.

Dallas Stained Glass Windows

This traditional style has been used in paintings, buildings, and even antique stained glass.  Art Nouveau is thought to have started in Europe, and it is characterized by extravagant designs and colors.  This style often incorporates aspects of nature such as flowers, or even just organic feeling curves.

Art Nouveau Stained Glass for the Home

Dallas Stained Glass GalleryMy recent Art Nouveau task began with trying to design a piece that reflected nature through stained glass.  Some of the lower portions represent the earth we stand on with heavily textured granite glass in dark earthy tones. The sky above is shown in the upper portions through smooth waterglass in soft blue hues. Lastly, the middle portion characterizes the human experience on the surface with an abundance of lush jewel greens stylized in organic whiplash curves on an airy background of sunny waterglass in the palest yellow tint.

As a whole these stained glass windows have taken the essence of the French Art Nouveau line work while allowing easy translation to contemporary residential styles through textured glasses and fresh colors, which is exactly what my client wanted.

This style of stained glass windows will give a unique architectural identity to any home and will surely be a treasured art piece for decades to come.  Art Nouveau stained glass designs can be customized through personalized touches such as your home’s street address and tailored to fit any home.

Art Nouveau with Scottish Stained Glass

We can work from any design that you see and love, or even work with you to replicate the Art Nouveau style in a painting or building that you find inspiration from.  Every window we build is custom, so you can always tweak a design to fit your unique personal style, as well as the size or shape of window that you need.

This season, as you search for ways to place custom design touches in your home, look to Scottish Stained Glass for infinite color possibilities and artistic design styles to compliment your vision of a dream home. Call today to have our Dallas stained glass designer stop by to meet for a free consultation and chat about the stained glass window possibilities for your home.

Martin Faith

Martin Faith is a master craftsman, builder, and designer of stained glass windows. Martin learned the art of glassmaking while living in Scotland, where he was born and raised. He has been studying stained glass as an art form for over 30 years. When he moved to the U.S., Martin opened his own shop and started selling antique and custom stained glass windows. Martin's areas of expertise range from historic and religious stained glass to popular styles such as art nouveau, Mackintosh, floral, beveled, Greene & Green, and prairie. Over the years, his company has produced and sold over 50,000 stained glass windows to customers located in Dallas and throughout the country.

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